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Celeste Korsholm - Visionary Artist
(928) 282 - 1294
Art Gallery > Lady Venus of The Lady Ascended Master Series
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Lady Venus of The Lady Ascended Master Series

Lady Venus of The Lady Ascended Master Series

Lady Venus was the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. The Greeks called her Aphrodite. Lady Venus is the divine complement of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of Venus. They are beings of fire who rule your sister planet in this solar system. They have served for eons to guide Earth's evolution into greater love and light. Lady Venus represents the power of love and beauty to uplift and transform. This portrait of the Lady Ascended Masters Series was created by Celeste Korsholm, Visionary Artist & Author of "Into The Maelstrom: Tales From the Planets, Volume1" - celeste@artsedona.net