August 30, 2012 @ 7:25 PM

     How did I, a small town girl-next-door type master her maelstrom?  Well, it wasn't easy and it didn't happen overnight.  My world had to come crashing down into a maelstrom,(a noun meaning a violent or turbulent situation; a downward whirlpool or vortex of extraordinary size or violence), in order for me to emerge on the other side, a stronger, wiser, more loving individual. 

     From loneliness, depression and  feeling like a helpless victim, I found a deep, spiritual connection with Eternal, Divine Presence.  It took many years, many miracles and a willingness to seek a better way to transform "poor little me" into the happy, on-purpose artist writer and teacher that I am today.

     What is your maelstrom?  Do you feel alone?  Do you long for something more?  Do you seek a deeper experience of love and meaning in your life?

     I've been there.  I know how rough it can be.  I also know that you, like me, can remember your innate connection to your soul's wisdom, love and power.  It has always been there.  You have only forgotten.  Sometimes it takes a maelstrom to make us reach out, search for it and find it again.

     Now it is my passion to help others master the maelstroms in their lives with the tools that helped me transform my life.  Check out my website, for information about my soul portraits, paintings, prints, cards and books. 

     You can also read, for free, the first two chapters of my new novel, INTO THE MAELSTROM, TALES FROM THE PLANETS, A Visionary History of Earth and the Solar System, Volume I.  It takes place long ago when Planet Earth was known as Planet Maldek.  An epic battle between the sexes plunged Earth/Maldek into a maelstrom of nuclear war.  This violent conflict between the Athenian female warriors and the Iryan male-dominated invaders threatened the stability of the whole solar system.  For three, action-packed days of adventure and romance the courage and resilience of everyone caught too close to this devastating black hole is challenged to the limit.  Only with unlikely alliances and an angelic intervention or two can they hope to survive.